I'm still on this mission (my forever mission, being that vertically challenged one that I am!) to shed those few pounds I gained this summer. I'm exploring everything that will make this not only easier for me but healthier as well. Would you ever think water and weight loss go hand in hand? 1% of water could make a big difference in your overall self actually. If you're trying to lose weight or want to eat healthier, drinking a little more … [Read more...]
No Carb Taco Lettuce Wraps
It's no secret if you haven't seen by now, I'm really focused and working on shifting my diet to a lower carb life. It's trickling down to my family and it's exciting to see the results we're getting. So as I've been planning meals, a Taco Tuesday thought was one that came up. And I immediately thought how much I love Pei Wei lettuce wraps, and I thought, I could do the same concept with tacos. Duh? Genius. Well, sometimes the most … [Read more...]
5 Ways To Get Your Diet Game Back On Track
This summer has been extremely challenging for me when it comes to food and diet. It's no secret that I am vertically challenged and this is always an issue for me. It always has been and it always will be. I can gain 5 pounds just by looking at food so it doesn't take very much for me to gain weight. The hard part is that it shows so easy. Love being a shorty! You already know that I have been traveling most of the summer and I have … [Read more...]
Eat This: 2 Ingredient Cookies
No they're not the no-bake cookies with peanut butter. No honey. No chocolate. But they are full of hearty goodness. And technically, they can be 3-ingredient cookies as well, as I've made them. So meet these delightfully healthy 2 Ingredient Cookies, perfect for when you want something sweet, an after school snack for the kids, or really just SOMETHING to nibble on, but with wholesome good ingredients that are in alignment with your … [Read more...]
8 Simple Things That Help You Lose Weight
Many of us struggle to attain and maintain a healthy weight. The reasons for this are countless. Those yummy snacks make us feel better immediately, if only temporarily. Our lifestyles don't always lend themselves towards healthy choices. The holidays make it challenging. Traveling makes choices limiting. Losing weight can be less of a challenge with some simple changes in lifestyle. Today I'm going to share with you some simple things that … [Read more...]
6 Beliefs That Are Keeping You From Having the Body You Want
Wouldn't you agree that we all have different thoughts and beliefs about ourselves? It all begins and ends in our heads. Everyone has certain beliefs and habits that dictate their behavior. Unfortunately, many of these beliefs can keep us from the very things we desire the most. This seems to be especially true when it comes to diet and exercise. Beliefs that prevent us from even getting started are common as well. The … [Read more...]
Detox Bath: Recovery From The Weekend
I love the weekends, but one of the things I'm not crazy about is some of my binging I might find myself doing. Allowing myself free days to be free of focus on diet goals is always nice, but not so nice when I do them consecutively! HA! Then I feel like I'm going one step forwards and two steps back. I say this only because this is something being vertically challenged I find will always be an issue in my life. If I let myself go and not … [Read more...]
I saw these morsels of crunchy fake tater tots and I know this isn't anything new to the world, but I thought I'd give em a whirl for my family and see after all how hard these are to make and how tasty are they. I mean after all, we're creating FAUX tater tots out of cauliflower. I am always trying to shave calories from every corner.... probably because I always seem to make up for it in other corners! HA! So I thought this would be a great … [Read more...]
In the Kitchen: Protein Filler Diet Soup
I'm kicking of the week with a recipe I made up, because as you've heard me talk before about how my mom kinda cooks... we just throw things together and it happens. And of course she taught me. So I took my background of being a Weight Watchers leader (which this time of year, I'm sure SO many are enrolling in every weight loss plan out there!), combined with flavors I love, combined with just what I know about food to come up with this … [Read more...]
5 Tips To Save 5 Pounds
We just passed the must indulgent holiday of the year... next to Super Bowl Sunday. Am I right on this one? It might vary, but all in all, the actual day of Thanksgiving is centered so much around the food. Now I want to begin by saying this... I'm not saying WE are all on a diet here. However, it's extremely easy to pack on an extra five lbs. during the season without even realizing it. Then come January, we're setting … [Read more...]
How Good Is It
Here is a teeny tiny sampling of what is in my home still leftover from Halloween. It's combined leftovers from what I bought for the trick or treaters along with all the stuff my kiddos picked up along the way. I need to chunk it, donate it, do SOMETHING with it. Of course, like so many things, I haven't gotten around to it yet. So there it sits in these big bowls, one in my kitchen, another in my laundry room, another in … [Read more...]
Lemon Berry Dessert
It's that time of year when all things around us are Red, White and Blue (if you're in the U.S. … I know some of you reading this aren't!)… and what perfect time to celebrate with something easy to whip up that's yummy AND easy AND light with a red, white and blue flair. This is something I make often, for guests as well as for my family. And it's something that I've thrown together as I do so many of my cooking delights. Some not always so … [Read more...]
Healthy Snack On The Go
Sharing almonds with you today... Here's why…. I've been quite busy lately. And I know I'm not the only one. (ya ya ya… I know… we're all just SOOOOOOOOO busy right??? lol) Well, there has been a time or two that I've found myself starving from running around, losing track of time in all the different things I'm doing that I'm STARVING. Not only that, if you're at a place that you can't get away to get a mid-day snack … [Read more...]
Spinach Chips
I have seen kale chips mentioned lots on healthy boards and on recipe posts and even for sale in bags at the store. But I haven't seen as much on spinach… unless I really never took the time to look! … Ok, I haven't. But when I was at the store last week, of course I had on my "I'm going to kick a** and only eat healthy stuff" hat on (you know what I'm talking about, and then it all fails when the fam says let's go out for burgers? lol!!)… I … [Read more...]
The 90 – 10 Rule, Re-Stated.
Happy Monday Morning! Mondays always seem to be a day that we push the reset button for getting things started, and I've always enjoyed chatting about healthy matters on Mondays since we seem to have the most sense of focus on that topic on that day of the week, so here I am again. Kinda a "from the archives" post here, because I've talked about it before, but just wanted to mention it again with fresh words. It's super simple and easy. I … [Read more...]
Cutting the Cokes
Now that spring is officially here, that means summer will be here before we know it, and when I hear summer, I think bathing suits. I know the countdown is on and time is running out before I have to look at this body in the mirror in a swimsuit, and so does the rest of the world when I go on vacation. So that means operation HURRY THE HECK UP in shedding a few pounds, like NOW is underway! HA! Am I terribly overweight? No. I'm just a few … [Read more...]
Mushroom’s Magic
Ok ok ok .... before you spit out your drink in laughter saying, "did she just SAY that?"... Yes... I just said that. Mushrooms are magical! HA! But they ARE! I'm serious here! First before I dive into this good stuff, this is World Salt Awareness Week. Yup. Bet ya didn't know that! So for those of us who totally swell up from eating salty foods, this week is for us to remember to maybe think of better choices … [Read more...]
From the Archives: What’s in a label?
We had a teeny tiny peek of spring like weather not long ago, which means warmer weather is just around the corner. And for ME, I know that means MORE SKIN will be showing! YIKES! Scary! HA! Time to REALLY get that laser beam focus on the diet and get as swimsuit ready as we can. So I thought I'd share some healthy advice from the archives.... Do you read the labels on the foods you eat? And make your decision to eat it or buy it … [Read more...]
The Secrets of Super Dieters
The beginning of the new year I think is synonymous with diet, weight loss, new you and resolutions. I remember when I was a Weight Watchers leader, the room would be packed, standing room only, sometimes I'd be coaching up to 100 people. Insane! So what are some SECRETS to success? People who have lost weight and kept if off over 2 years... what are some of their secrets of success? Recently on ABC NEWS w Diane Sawyer, they did a feature on … [Read more...]
A Breakfast Plan for the Week
Being that this is the first Monday of 2014, I decided to share this little bit about myself and found it appropriate, being that probably most people with resolutions of diet and exercise will begin today. Everyone says the most important meal of the day is breakfast and I tend to agree with the experts. Having a good breakfast sets your day off with a good start. You get your metabolism going, you get your energy up, you … [Read more...]