1. LuxeObjects has some AMAZING things going on. Beautiful leather gloves, gorgeous scarves and their FABULOUS handbags are now 40% off. Can you hear me? 40% OFF! Girls, let me tell you, you NEED to see their loveliness if you haven’t popped in yet. And for Valentine’s Day… they have some SERIOUS loveliness from Belargo… take a peek…
And if you’re not close by, hop onto their site to check them out, then send them a message to see what their goodies are and they’ll show you and send you the love! SERIOUSLY you won’t regret it! And tell them the OP Girl sent you {{{wink wink}}}.
2. Thoughts running thru my mind as I pin earlier this week….”Have I pinned that before?” “I KNOW I’m going to make THAT dish!” ..yeah RIGHT! … anyone else do that?
3. I got a little bit of art not long ago at WinkOfPink and I’m trying to find that perfect spot for it… LOVING it!
and I know that sweet Christine is about to have baby #4, doing her design business, and with some new gigs on tv and in print, her cup runneth over. Soooooo she’s having a closeout sale… hop on over and take a peek. Maybe you’ll find a bit of this
4. The Justin Bieber Believe Acoustic album came out this week and of course, we got it… in fact, not only did the little miss pre-order on itunes but she did HAVE to go out at midnite the night it came out to get in line to get it before it sold out.
No line. Not on the shelves. The Walmart gal didn’t even know where they were in the back.
I went at 9:30 that morning. Made the purchase.
When her friends went after school at 4:00, they were SOLD OUT.
I will say, it IS an amazing album. The acoustic is really beautiful and Mr. JB, you ARE a super talented guy. If people aren’t BELIEBERS yet, they WILL be now! xoxo
5. Here’s a sneak peek of some GOODNESS to come…. I know I’m excited…. Get ready world for a young entrepreneur to hit the pavement running!
Stay tuned!….. {{{wink wink}}}
Thank you so much for mentioning my shop- so appreciated! I can’t wait to see where you end up putting your wink:) xoxo