So being #OnPurpose as I am, I've got to keep it real, right? So that's what I'm talking about today. Keeping it real. You guys know I wear many hats... It's so funny because this blog really is a reflection of so many things I'm passionate about... about fashion (always.. ask anyone who has known me as a child!), interior design (since I've had a place on my own... ask anyone!), to taking care of ourselves, beauty, health, fitness, … [Read more...]
W.O.W. Life Manifesto
Sunday, a day of rest, a day to refresh, a day to reflect. Some words of wisdom, or as I call it, W.O.W. Enjoy this life manifesto. Happy Sunday! … [Read more...]
The Difference It Can Make…
Oh.... these heavier posts come with something always coming into our lives that taps us on the shoulder as a reminder... of what's important in life. These are so true and so real things that as we go about our day to day lives, we seem to forget sometimes when we're caught up with our own lives and our own hecticness. If you are new to following me, just letting you know that you might see lots of "stuff" on The OP Life, … [Read more...]
Dreaming Big, Being Awesome
Taking a few days off of the blog to help a youngster with some dreams of hers. I'll be back sometime next week… Leaving you with some thoughts that I gave to her when she was coming up with ideas to make money... I said, yup, you're young. But you work hard and have dreams like everyone else, and amazing thoughts at that. Becoming someone big and awesome isn't just for the magazines, it's not JUST for … [Read more...]
Friday’s Five
1. School's officially O.U.T. Seriously…. where did the time go? It seems like YESTERDAY we were JUST on vacation and I was just here…. Like… weren't we JUST on vacation? 2. Ok on the same note, my lil guy was JUST liller like YESTERDAY too? I went over that boo hoo stuff last week, so I'll save it. Actually, this has been QUITE therapeutic believe it or not, and I got lots of that out of my system I think. HOWEVER, I … [Read more...]
A Lucky Winner and Growing Up
Fiiiiiiirst, tickled pink to announce a winner to the wonderful giveaway Gil's had for a $50 gift certificate…. @lyric marie, gurrrrrl! You lucky dawg! That's you! I'll email you the deets so you can begin shopping! Congrats to you! Thank you Gil's for spreading the love from your store and letting me share a bit of you with the rest of the world! So something has been on my mind and it's been leaving me with an … [Read more...]
Finding Love in What You Do
The word "work" can be interpreted in so many ways. When many think about the word "work", it can have a negative connotation that goes with it…. like an exertion of labor. Something you HAVE to do…. {grunt!} And we can all agree, that those of us who have a job of sorts, technically speaking, we "work", right? It makes sense, right? Do you love what you do? Then it probably doesn't feel like work all … [Read more...]
Be This.
Word. muuuuuuuuuaaaah! Happy Friday! … [Read more...]
Because those of you who know me know that's how I roll, right? Off the wall and random? .... Is everyone overwhelmed this time of year or is it just me? The Mister has said to me so many times, "Why don't we forget all the gifts with all our families and lets just have a big fancy dinner somewhere and that's it?" Well, that never happens. And there is NO way I get my s**t done MONTHS in advance. Being done with my shopping in the fall? … [Read more...]