Because those of you who know me know that’s how I roll, right? Off the wall and random?
…. Is everyone overwhelmed this time of year or is it just me?
The Mister has said to me so many times, “Why don’t we forget all the gifts with all our families and lets just have a big fancy dinner somewhere and that’s it?” Well, that never happens. And there is NO way I get my s**t done MONTHS in advance. Being done with my shopping in the fall? Um… noooooooo. That’s not me. Who does that? Do you? If you do, I think you’re a ROCK star. Me? Not so much.
So lemme share some RANDOM thoughts that could
- make you smile
- make you think twice
- make you go hmmmm
- make you say OH YEAH
- make you say I GET IT ALRIGHT!
1. Doing holiday cards? Not sure if you’re going to get them out “in time”? How about making them say something like LOVE. Or something just simple and VAGUE (I’m SERIOUS! LOL!!). Ours says BEST.YEAR.EVER. (for real!!) Here’s the deal…. if you don’t get it out in time (which it doesn’t look like mine are… ) you’re covered! Smart, huh? {wink!}
Prime example here… No religious affiliation. No presents or santas. And who is to say you can’t wish for peace on earth in July, right??? HA!
2. If you’re going to get a mani-pedi, don’t wear jeggings, skinny pants, or leggings. Just sayin, you’ll be getting JUST a mani. Unless u have a way to stretch those puppies up over your calves up to your knees so she can do that whole “scrub and mask and hot towels” thing. In that case, you’re a rockstar as well, because I must have some REALLY big calves. If you have a way of doing that, please share with those of us incompetent ones (or big calved ones).
3. Go to the restroom BEFORE you leave your house if your purse of the day is a clutch.
Here’s why. Tell me where you’re going to put that puppy when you get to the restroom in Target??? There is no “fold-down rest shelf” in the stall. Are you going to squeeze it between your knees as your squatting oh so carefully??? um…. I don’t think so.
(on sale – additional 50% off HERE – I want to BUY this as I am WRITING to you, just wanted you to know….. *sigh*)
4. Wearable technology is something that has gotten me excited for various reasons. I feel like a kid thinking about it, I think because The Jetsons and James Bond life I grew up with is becoming REAL. I can’t wait to see how some of these things unfold…. stay TUNED! {wink!}
5. I have found myself shopping for MYSELF as I’m shopping for others. *sigh* (Please refer to Number 3 above.) Only because I’m coming across GREAT things and GREAT deals…. (my justification!). Not going out LOOKING to get stuff for myself, but it’s just there. In front of me. Saying TAKE ME HOME.
6. I’m looking forward to some special traditions. Traditions like gignerbread house making make this time of year so special. We have done this with some very special family friends that began when our kids were waaaay younger. This is the last year we get to do this before the first is off to college. CAN.NOT.BELIEVE.IT. The COOLEST thing ever was when he said, “We’re going to continue this when we grow up, right?” {sniff sniff… LOVE you, James!}… Stay tuned for pics next week from this years event!
That’s all. A bit of random babble. Feel free to just vent or chitter chatter or babble below. On whatever random thoughts you might have… related or not. Because we all need days like this, right? That’s how I roll….. {wink!}
HUGE sniff. I don’t care where he goes next year, we gotta do it next year and keep it going.