Oh…. these heavier posts come with something always coming into our lives that taps us on the shoulder as a reminder… of what’s important in life. These are so true and so real things that as we go about our day to day lives, we seem to forget sometimes when we’re caught up with our own lives and our own hecticness. If you are new to following me, just letting you know that you might see lots of “stuff” on The OP Life, but really, that’s not what The OP Life is all about… it’s little things, like this, as reminders of how to live On Purpose…
We never know who could use that extra bit of kindness, a listening ear, some extra attention, some love. I speak for myself, as thin stretched as I am, I do the best I can, as that’s all we can do. But you never know when your smile or bit of love could literally save a life.
Sending all of YOU love today, and just THANK you for following me, reading what I have to say, and sharing it with others in your lives. Appreciate you greatly!
Rhonda says
Love you! Thanks for keeping us on purpose!
Heidi says
It caught us recently too. So sorry. Love you and I have a big smile and hug for my Irene:)