Instant gratification. I know I always wanted what I wanted and I wanted it THEN. Ahhhhh... Patience, my dear. Do you have patience? We all have heard the phrase "Patience is a virtue." It's how you deal with that "waiting" time. Sometimes things seem to be a fog as we go through the journey of patience. But there is beauty in that fog. Do you have it? Need to learn to how to get it? Watch … [Read more...]
Fuzzy Friday: BYOC
I'm BACK.... I had to get my groove on y'all. Keeping it real. Out all last week for Market with my girl, flight delay coming home till the WEE hours of the morning, phone crashing. Such is life. But... life is SO good, you have NO idea! Lots of amazingness happened, and as the momager, I had a few followups I had going on, plus, to be honest, I needed to REST. As most of you know, every Friday on The OP Life is Fuzzy Friday. So … [Read more...]
What About These Goals for 2016?
Goals schmoals. Ya ya ya. Everyone is talking about them. Tis the season for resolutions, dreaming big, and what's your vision for 2016. Well, I'm going to be flat out HONEST with you. Straight up. I was hanging out with my amazing friend and coach Aprille Franks-Hunt (talked about her HERE ) and I was sharing with her some thoughts on goals. Watch and see what I have to say about … [Read more...]
A Look Back, A Look Ahead: Lessons I Learned in 2015
Today is the first day we need to kinda act like "adults". It's Monday (first of all), and the first Monday of the year, meaning the celebrating and holiday-ing are now over. Whether we work a 9-5 type of job or not, life pretty much "resumes" to the day to day thing we do. As we've just closed the chapter to another year, I wanted to reflect back on some lessons learned in 2015: Never say never. If you're working hard and doing … [Read more...]
New Years Tradition: Vasilopita
New Years marks the beginning of a new year... of course! Many of you might have a certain thing you do every New Year's Eve or New Year's Day (maybe that's recovering from last night's activities!). Maybe it's that black eyed pea dish so many make. For my family, as do so many Greek families, we have a New Years Tradition: Vasiloplita. Vasilopita can either be a sweet bread or coffee cake type of cake that is made every … [Read more...]
#WIDN: What I’m Doing Now…
Christmas break is here, yipee!!! And with that, we have the hustle and bustle and to-do's and kids and company and presents and stuff, stuff, stuff... and I was mentally unplugged for a few weeks (a few weeks ago... you can read why HERE), so I'm playing catch up... So that means I get to sleep in a little later, or not... ok maybe so... well, depends if I'm sleeping really good and Angel decides to wake me and walk all over me at 5 am … [Read more...]
How To Handle Life When Dealing With Tough Times
Speaking from the heart today. In case you've wondered where I've been, I got the news just before Thanksgiving that my sweet daddy had colon cancer. Although we did find out we caught it in time just this weekend, we're still not out of the woods, as he could be dealing with possible pneumonia. Needless to say, whatever the illness, it feels like crisis mode to me, because I'm an only child (I'm sure you could NEVER see my invisible crown, … [Read more...]
I'm back again talking about Periscope. You can see a few of my other posts on Periscope HERE and HERE. 1. Because it's almost the beginning of the month, and I'm sharing our daily prompts with you, in case you want to jump in and do this with me, and/or in case you want to jump in and follow us #DecemberScopers! 2. If you like what I share here on you might want to check it out because I don't share the same … [Read more...]
I’m Thankful For…
I'm thankful for my family. The Mister and my babies. For loving me with all that I am, with my quirks and all of my passions and for my days of craziness when I just won't stop. I'm thankful for my parents. I can't say enough about these two. They taught me everything I know about the rules of life. What a scare I had with my daddy this week, so that makes this season of Thanksgiving one to be even more thankful. Just discovered this … [Read more...]
What To Wear: PJs for the Weekend
It's a holiday weekend and it's time for family, time to eat good food, and time to watch movies, relax and time to be in pjs. We all need some times to just decompress and love to think of long extended holiday weekends like this. This is the shop local weekend and I plan on doing that, but I also plan on relaxing as much as I can. This time of year and during the Christmas break, wardrobe should consist of comfy clothes. And pjs are in … [Read more...]
Shopping, Natural Beauty and Girl Power
As a blogger and a freelance marketer, I love to work with lots of businesses, big and small, and I'm finding that I'm working with more and more women business owners. Can I just say I LOVE THAT! I love how women are taking control of their lives and creating the life that they love by being their own boss and being in control of what they do. And being entrepreneurs. Over the past few years I've loved working with this fun hip chic and … [Read more...]
Why You Need To Be On Periscope and NovemberScopers
By now you've heard me talk about the new social media that's live stream video. Periscope. I've chatted about it HERE and HERE. So I'm back just sharing briefly today just a few more things about this fun interactive program. Why should you follow me and others on Periscope? Get to actually HEAR me and see me live. So you're like, big deal! Well, it's kinda fun to get to see the person behind the pen (or keyboard in this case) live … [Read more...]
Fuzzy Friday: Fireball Cider
I'm DYING over here in this Oklahoma heat. Seriously y'all... (ok for me to say that means I'm REALLY talking straight talk!)... it's MID October and I'm going.... bring out the Banana Boat and let's have Pina Coladas poolside? Come on now! We're having temps in the 90's and I can't take it. So I'm FORCING fall with this one. And I got the inspiration from sweet Joanna over at Motherhood & Merlot. Remember that October Scopers thing … [Read more...]
Periscope 101 and October Scopers
You've heard me talk about this latest and greatest new social media app. Hardly anyone knows about it truly I think. Periscope. I scoped a video last night at a local restaurant and no one knew what I was talking about. I talked a little bit about it HERE. But I still BARELY knew anything about it. Well I've got more for you today! So Periscope is a LIVE VIDEO STREAMING app. Someone videos live while others watch. And while they … [Read more...]
StrengthsFinder Podcast: Be The Best You
When my friend Rhonda with Activate Your Strengths recently invited me to do a podcast to share my top 5 strengths with StrengthsFinder, and how they show up in my life, I was so excited. This is one subject that's near and dear to my heart. In case you missed my previous posts, I've shared a little bit about StrengthsFinders HERE and HERE. It's my belief that we never know too much, that we can never stop growing and becoming a better US. … [Read more...]
Detox Bath: Recovery From The Weekend
I love the weekends, but one of the things I'm not crazy about is some of my binging I might find myself doing. Allowing myself free days to be free of focus on diet goals is always nice, but not so nice when I do them consecutively! HA! Then I feel like I'm going one step forwards and two steps back. I say this only because this is something being vertically challenged I find will always be an issue in my life. If I let myself go and not … [Read more...]
Fuzzy Friday: Ginger Spice
I'm trying oh so hard to pull myself away from the fruity drinks, because you all know I love my drinks sweet and fruity. And frankly, this week, I just frankly don't have time for fancy schmancy. Know what I mean? It's been one of those crazy weeks, not like there are many that AREN'T crazy, but you know. You get it. And on top of it, this weekend I have to be in two cities at once. So ya. I want a cocktail. I need a drink! HA! And … [Read more...]
Beverly Feldman: Too Much Is Not Enough
Too much is not enough. That is the motto of Beverly Feldman, shoe designer and icon of over 40 years, and more fabulous now than ever. I've worn her shoes for years, and to be quite honest, I can't part with them. My absolute favorite you can see here from this post from the summer... It's the detail in all her work that makes her shoes so special. Not only are they so comfortable, but they all have some special … [Read more...]
Fuzzy Friday: Caramel Apple Martini
September is here and I can't help myself. Is it just me or are you just SOOOOOO ready for fall too? I know I'm jumping the gun a bit. In fact, I really should have shared a END TO SUMMER cocktail being that it's all labor day weekend, but I love the scents of fall, the warm colors of fall, the flavors of fall. So Labor Day or not, I'm kicking off fall right here baby! Let's do it, shall we? So..... Caramel apple.... mmmmmmm.... … [Read more...]
See Summer Better with Warby Parker
With only less than a month left for summer, it isn't quite over yet. As fall routines begin to get set back into place, I sit back and think about what a unique summer I've had, and count my blessings. While most think of summer as relaxing, mine was hardly that. First I spent the earlier part of the summer in Dallas market helping grow Honestly Margo's business... what fun that was for sure! Then just a short few weeks … [Read more...]