New sponsor love… You know the way beautiful fresh flowers make you feel when you see them, they’re at their loveliest moment, the fragrance is like the finest french perfume, and everything is just glorious? That’s how I feel about my newest sponsor and I’m so thrilled to introduce them to you!
Many of you know I wear many hats and that means I’m involved in several ventures which is an adventure! Funny how things come together that are meant to be together, and how people and things become intertwined because of different connections and it was all meant to be. Such is the case when I stumbled upon The Fleuriste. You know when you see something all the time and it doesn’t register till IT CLICKS? That’s what happened, and when I met George and Allison, the rest was history. I fell in love with them from the get go. And I think you will, too.
Known as “The House of Botanical Chic”, the name says it all. The Fleuriste is the chic-est, coolest, floral shop I’d ever stepped foot in.
First… what THE business is all about… chic, SHEEK, unique, I call them BOTANICAL CREATIONS… not JUST a florist… there is no event or occasion too big or too small for George’s unique talent and eye for beauty. Be on the look out for some great promo things from them sharing his story, his expertise, his experience, but lets just say this… If he is good enough for celebs and The Bellagio in Las Vegas, I’d LOVE to have him as my go to guy for my floral needs! Agree???
Behind the storefront is this DARLING, and I mean SO cool building behind the main shop. This building is where all the magic happens, where the designing takes place, where consultations and deals are made, and amazing flower dreams come true!
You’re looking at a sneak peek of REALLY amazing elements they use and incorporate into their designs. They love using natural elements of the earth, like those pieces of wood, combining the metal bars for a completely different artful floral/botanical displayBut hiring The Fleuriste for your flowers and events is JUST the beginning of their great shop. They contacted me to carry Honestly Margo, and the moment I walked into their store, (and you guys know when this happens I pull out the camera and go nuts and my jaw drops!) I fell in love. This was NO ordinary flower shop… So…. here they are, and I am, to spread the love to YOU and to share THEIR greatness with you!
From a succulent bar..
To a hair tie bar….
A snapshot of the shop as Miss Margo is checking things out….
These little tweet peeps (the original ones!) adorn the area…
Check out these Oklahoma grass rugs beneath the sock monkeys!
FINALLY baubles… fun and uniquely displayed jewelry that I’d never thought I’d find in a flower shop!
Which leads me to THIS…
This great set of bracelets and ring is a little gift our friends at The Fleuriste are giving away for helping us share their name with the rest of the world…. Let’s DO THIS!
Keeping things SIMPLE here… only 3 things….
1. SHARE on Facebook… all you have to do is COPY and PASTE this link! “Giveaway for a bracelet ring set hosted by The Fleuriste on The OP Life!”
2. TWEET … all you have to do is COPY and PASTE this link! “#Giveaway for #jewelry set hosted by @thefleuriste”
3. PIN it to WIN it. Just PIN the image above! Simple!
REMEMBER friends… you can do these things, but if you don’t COMMENT BELOW for each, it doesn’t get you an entry. COMMENT for EACH THING YOU DO to get an entry and the rest is history!
Winner posted on Monday… I’d say that’s a SUPER way to start the week, don’t you think?
Spreadin the love… what I love to do!
So glad you shared this. Sue has been using him for years (since he first opened and raved about him) I have been meaning to go in but never remember and when I drive by it reminds me but I don’t have time. To see the pictures, now I really am going to make myself stop in as soon as I have the chance! Isn’t he Greek? Thanks for sharing this hidden gem!
I pinned it!
I love the give away! I am sooo in love with the bracelet, ring, whatever! Soooo stinkin’ cute! I pinned it!
I also set up first tweet and it was Fleuriste!!!!
I loved it on Facebook and I liked their page, pretty awesome!
Beautiful! Just tweeted.
Trying to pin now but having issues. But I’ll get it pinned!
Shared 🙂
Pinned 🙂