They say necessity is the mother of invention. And if there is something you need that isnt out there, create it and make it. So that's what I did. You have heard what a disarray my summer was in some of my past blog posts, and perhaps recognized why I wasn't as present here as I most often am. Well, for one, I had to be true to my priorities, and two, I had a lot of stuff going on. It's keeping my brain together and actually GETTING … [Read more...]
A little love from me to you…
I can't pass Valentine's Day without giving some love to you, my readers. Here's the deal... I poured a tiny bit of my heart out to you on Friday, but not fully. Most of you know I began my blog as a vehicle to vent about living a life ON PURPOSE and sharing all of my passions with you. I hope I have made some kind of a difference in your life, even if it's been by simply getting a new recipe I've shared! But I truly have discovered my love … [Read more...]
Minted Papers and Gifts
It's that time of year again where our mailboxes are filled with holiday cards. I know for myself, I have to go thru this hunt and search and I'm brainstorming of what to do this year. I came across Minted and I saw some beautiful choices that went far beyond holiday cards. First things first... lemme show you a few of the MANY MANY to choose from in holiday card selection that struck me as unique... Aren't those … [Read more...]
A Big Pad
You guys know how I LOVE my papers, right? Well, there's nothing that I love more than papers that HELP us keep our lives organized, our appointments set, and just our s**t together! Having to juggle different all kinds of things, from a few businesses to kids schedules to my personal time, to keeping up with my house, Lord only knows every little thing I can find certainly helps! And I'm a huge list maker. This fun BIG pad I've come across … [Read more...]