They say necessity is the mother of invention. And if there is something you need that isnt out there, create it and make it. So that's what I did. You have heard what a disarray my summer was in some of my past blog posts, and perhaps recognized why I wasn't as present here as I most often am. Well, for one, I had to be true to my priorities, and two, I had a lot of stuff going on. It's keeping my brain together and actually GETTING … [Read more...]
It’s a Date!
So now that school is officially underway for the kiddos, we're juggling soccer, baseball, ice skating, then there's all the activities for YOURS TRULY, someone's gotta keep it all straight, right? And, I'm sorry, call me old fashioned, but I've tried and tried and tried all of my different calendar apps.... not sexy enough for me. Sorry all you techies. Bring on the good old fashioned pen and paper! Lo and behold, a ray of sunshine RIGHT … [Read more...]