I am the biggest bargain shopper. I might like things that have a hefty price tag, but I rarely pay full retail price. And if you know me, you also know how much I love places like Target, Marshall’s and TJ Maxx, as well as ALL my fave discount online shops. So saving money is always a thing for me (especially if I get a great deal on it!). Well, dear friend Kecia introduced me to something last year that was A-MAZING.
Remember this?
from Jerry Maguire.
Well, I had never heard of this great website till she introduced me to it, and I thought I was online shopping QUEEN. Apparently not! What if I told you EVERY time you were to shop where ever you normally shopped online, you’d get a rebate in the mail? Kinda like those credit cards that pay you cash back? Well that is how this works.
So remember this image from this week?
I got those 2 chandeliers from Lowes.com for $400 for both (yes, pick up your jaw!). The nice thing? I got a rebate check in the mail for $16. The desk chair? Overstock.com. How about shopping at Neiman Marcus and getting 8% back in the mail? Saks for 6%? Last Call? Every day places like Staples, OfficeMax, Kohls, Sam’s, a JILLION stores online (well, maybe not a JILLION), after you shop thru this site, they will automatically send you a % back every quarter. And it might not seem like a lot, but you’ll be surprised how much $4, $10, $6 adds up and the next thing you’re getting $100 check in the mail for something you were going to do anyways! Am I right?
…. and I think this is LUXURY week, meaning it’s DOUBLE cash back. Just sayin….. I’m all about the deals, ya know!
So without further ado, let me introduce you to Ebates. If you use it now, you’re a smart cookie! If not, let’s help you out! Super easy.
1. Register HERE.
2. Every time you wanna shop online, go to their website, www.ebates.com.
3. Search for your store, click on it, and it will send you directly to it.
4. Shop as usual. That’s it! Simple, right???
So this little extra cha-ching can help me indulge in some of my naughty habits… such as this…
or whatever guilty pleasure you might have. {{wink!!}}
I’m all about passing on a few good tips with those I love!!!
Thank you for these helpful hints, Irene. I signed up for both ebates and soap.com and have my bulky items coming on a 8 week auto ship!!! I’m so excited. This is going to save me so much time at the store.
Appreciate our friendship.
SO glad! You’ll love the convenience of it and those little extra checks are always fun! Which reminds me… I think I’m out of paper towels! 🙂