I had been on a hunt for a long time to find chairs for my new kitchen dining table. My previous table was a Bernhardt set I got when I got married 16 years ago. And yes, it cost us a small fortune back then, but it was time for them to GO. I found my new table solo, so I held out on the chairs till I found just the right thing. I knew exactly what I wanted and waited till I found just that. I’m SO glad I did because I found it when I least expected it. (Isn’t that how it always happens???) You can take a preview peek where I introduced my kitchen table to you HERE.
So after finding the side chairs, I designed the head chairs. OH MY! I bit my lip and sweat a few sweat beads, nervous my family would think I’m nuts, but I didn’t care. I was confident it was going to look pretty sharp.
“Staaaaaaaarrrrrrr duuuuuuuust” {sparkle sparkle sparkle… ooh make me SMILE!}
Hubs loves it. Kids not so much. Too bad. They have to get used to it.
And there’s my new kitchen dining concoction. Project complete!
I like it!