Christmas is over. Done. All the prep, all the gifts, all the decorating, all the parties, done. Finito. AND we’re all still alive (the end of the world didn’t quite hit us yet). Here are a few of the treats I got from Santa…
and these that are PRICELESS…
The canvas print my daughter made for me, the pot holder and holiday art my son made for me, THOSE are the best. I can’t complain one bit.
Finally. I got it done. Have you ever had something weighing on you and you’ve procrasitated and procrastinated to where it’s driving you nuts? That was me with my holiday cards. Thankfully, I have figured out the perfect system that makes my life SUPER easy. And I reccommend it HIGHLY! It takes just one time a small chunk of your time to set it up, but you will be FOREVER thankful you did it!

Thank GOODNESS for Shutterfly! I designed my cards a few weeks ago, but I had to edit the address book. Yup. That’s the time investment. Just once. Put them all in and BAM, Shutterfly can mail them out for you for a tiny extra charge. But for me, WAY worth it! Don’t you think? So I had to change the addresses to those who moved, add new peeps to my list, remove those no longer with us and finally make changes to those newly divorced. I’ve made mistakes before on the latter two… YIKES! When you have NOTHING going on sometime MID year, you ought to input all those addresses and it will be FOREVER done! You can thank me later for that bit of relief when they mail everything out for you. 🙂
And, if I missed you, I’m sorry! 🙁 As I said last week, I have felt discombobulated ( I love using words that are fun to say ), so asking for forgiveness in advance!
After feeling like a SLOTH today, I’ve decided to get dressed tomorrow. What do you think? Holiday vacation get out of pjs? I think so if I need to take the dear little ones to dentist appointments! HA!
Back to my babble!
Ooo! Love the coat and bag! Someone knows you well!