Happy Birthday to this piece of me that I share with all of you, The OP Life. Actually, officially, last week was The OP Life’s birthday, but I was engulfed in an awesome project called Oklahoma Fashion Week, and had to put myself aside, and had to share that with all of you first and foremost.
I can’t believe it’s been 2 years since I began this journey of blogging. A wonderful journey of personal growth and discovery it has been for sure! I remember wanting to blog and being clueless about what a blog even was but I knew I had this desire to do this. …this actually was 9 years ago! But I was already beginning a new venture in my life, and I knew it was not the time yet.
Crazy how things come full circle and everything happens when it’s supposed to happen and how it’s supposed to happen. Part of our journey, right?
I want to share a HUGE lesson I’ve learned thru this “jump-in-and-don’t-look-back” adventure I’ve had the past 2 years…
I knew nothing about blogging other than I wanted to share my passions with the world. That’s it. Very little techy stuff, learning as I go, day by day. But I could care less. I knew I would figure it out, and I am STILL figuring it all out, and that’s ok!
If you have a dream, a goal, something you desire to become, as cliche as the Nike slogan is, JUST DO IT! The biggest thing I can tell anyone is jump in and start. Whatever it is, sure do some homework, but don’t wait until you feel like you know everything before you get started. You’ll never know everything. I knew so little it’s unreal, and I am looking back and reflecting going SERIOUSLY??? and am half cracking up and half embarrassed! but I still nevertheless jumped in and said, “Self, lets do this! Go!” and off I went.
By the way, if you’re waiting for the “perfect time” in your life because you’ve got a lot goin on? Yeah… um, good luck with that. That’s called LIFE. Forget that thought. Get over it. If you’ll wait for the perfect time, there is no perfect time better than NOW. Just sayin.
So start the week off by thinking about what is it that you are wanting to do? To become? To pursue? Jump in with both feet and don’t look back! I did!
If you don’t pursue your dream, you’ll never know what could have been… it will always be a WHAT IF. Just think WHAT IF you DO pursue it what great things could come….
Happy anniversary!
Thank you!
Happy blogiversary 🙂
Happy Anniversary, Love your OP
Happy belated birthday, The OP Life!
Thank you lovers!!! Muuuuuuaaaaah!