My daughter requested I make spinach balls not too long ago to go along with dinner. I felt like those were more hors d'oeuvres, and in pulling several recipes together, I created my own, and instead created these patties. I felt like they were more "side dish" type of an item to serve with chicken, fish, beef, anything. And the extras made a great little snack! Spinach Patties 2 bags frozen spinach 2 large egg 1 stick … [Read more...]
Spinach Chips
I have seen kale chips mentioned lots on healthy boards and on recipe posts and even for sale in bags at the store. But I haven't seen as much on spinach… unless I really never took the time to look! … Ok, I haven't. But when I was at the store last week, of course I had on my "I'm going to kick a** and only eat healthy stuff" hat on (you know what I'm talking about, and then it all fails when the fam says let's go out for burgers? lol!!)… I … [Read more...]