Isn't it frustrating when you know what you want to do, or even should do, but you can’t get yourself to do it? Almost as if it's a drag, you dread it, it's one of those things that you say to yourself, "UGH... I have to do _____." Working out on a regular basis is something we all know that we should do, but creating a habit of it can be challenging. Think about the things you do as a habit on a daily basis that aren't even … [Read more...]
Perfect Legs and Butt
You read that right. Who doesn't want beautiful legs and a beautiful tush? Right now, my right knee is sounding like a bowl of rice crispies... Snap, crackle, POP! Ugh.. it's totally discusting. If you capped your hand over my knee, you'd think that my knee cap is all crumbled up into tiny pieces and it's all just kinda FLOATING in there. What's up with that??? Well, I believe it is due to years of lunges. Lots of em. Like laps around my … [Read more...]
Commercial Time
I know there are LOTS of great hot shows we all are addicted to, and if we don't record them on the DVR and watch them live, then we have to go through all the commercial breaks. If you are short on time to get a workout in, but can manage to get in your BRAVO tv time, then here's a solution.... the TV Commercial Workout. Now, you don't have to do these EXACT exercises for those ads, but you get my drift. Maybe for one entire 3o minute … [Read more...]