Words can’t even tell you how I’m feeling right now tonight as I write this blog to you lovies today! Oh if you knew the story of our summer, my mom’s illness, and having her with us but not really “with us”. When my dad called me that frightful morning to tell me that she put her bra on over her robe ready to leave the house, my heart sunk. Thankfully, she is well, healed, praise the Dear Lord, and she’s “back”! And today I shipped her off, her and my daddy, yes, I did say SHIPPED OFF! to her home country of Panama (yes, she’s Greek too…long story, another blog). Only there 3 times, all for funerals, since she left in her late teens, it was time to “go home”. Time to see her brother, sister in law, nieces and nephews, and rekindle family connections lost through time and through life happenings.
She said to me today as her and my dad and I embraced for the best few mintues of my day, “When God comes knocking on your door, you know it’s time to make peace and be with the ones you love.” OH it moved me so! Blood is thicker than water. And tonight, my mom is with her big brother, whom she hasn’t seen since she laid my YiaYia to rest, 9 years ago.
I’m overwhelmed inside. I have no siblings. When it comes to blood ties, I only have my cousins as future generations to keep ties with. To see these cousins tonight on Skype is so magical (yes, corney as it sounds!)! …. a HUGE shout out to Skype!!! THANK YOU!!! Family is good. For those of you who have family, PRESERVE IT! My mom had a huge family divided in two countries, all feisty men, and her, the only sister. Keep those ties close. Don’t take for granted something so special. You’re lucky you have what you have.
Kinda a deep post today. I truly want to write from my heart, whether it’s about FABULOUS purses or homes or clothes or sparklies, or whether it’s about life. So friends, here I am today writing from deep in my heart! I hope you enjoy this post, too :).
Okay, so this one made me cry! Just thinking about your mom in the hospital and everyone being so scared and now she is re-connecting with family! You are right family it so important and so are friends! Love this, my friend!