Meet Kennedy… She is the 19 month old cousin of dear friend Kecia at CoutureZoo. Please take a moment to hop on over there and take a look…. At the very least, keep her in your prayers. Imagine if 100 people read this thru me and each pass it on, and everyone says a prayer how HUGE that could be??? She has been diagnosed with a rare disease, Pilocytic Astrocytoma, which is a rare brain tumor found in infants and toddlers. Treatments are just now beginning….
I’m asking you to just to take a look over at CoutureZoo. The OP life means being ON PURPOSE… so many things I talk about are about being purposeful in the way we adorn our homes, the way we dress, the way we eat, the way we pretty ourselves… but the TRUE meaning of being on purpose is really living authentically, practicing the golden rule, loving others and giving to others.
You’re such a good friend. Thank you, Irene. I appreciate you so much!