I can’t believe the day has come!
It’s F R I D A Y! Now, I know I’m not the ONLY one around here who has stuff going on. We ALL have it. But doesnt it feel like sometimes we just have MORE s**t than other times? Well, folks, this seems to have been one of those weeks for me. I mean, here I am listening to my son sleeping and I hear this hard biting noise, as my husband checks on him, finds a POOL of blood (not kidding!) on his pillow, we shake him, only to see that he lost his tooth and it’s SITTING on his gumline! Yup! Just a bit ago, on this Thursday night. See what I mean? NEVER a dull moment. Not a bad thing, nor a good thing, just is what it is.
So, time to play catch up, chill out, kick our feet up and say T G I F! … and have a cocktail or two! …. or three… or four?
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