True story… (not that any of my stories are UNtrue… just sayin…)
I received a message a few days ago that gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes. I had to share this with all of you because I’m passing this message on as an unbiased product review from one person who wished to remain anonymous, but clearly it’s something so small that made such a difference in her world. Let’s call my friend “Sue”.
Sue is a middle aged successful business woman who suffers from a condition she was born with called lymphangioma. Basically, she has lots of small lymphatic tumors that, as she gets older, decide to grow, and grow large. Those tumors are all around her mouth area. The good thing is they are benign tumors. The bad thing is they can’t all be removed because so many are covered in nerves. So the only way to get rid of them is to inject them to reduce them in size and shrink them.
Sue recently got treatment on a new tumor that is being reduced through schlerosing, which is a chemical. It causes swelling and extreme dryness. I’m just going to quote to you what she said to me and let you read for yourself…
“After my procedure, my bottom lip was swollen immensely .. So much that it cracked in the center. I put Burt Bees medicinal lip balm on and the next morning it was worse and had bled during the night.
I got my Honestly Margo out and slathered it all day, and next morning, my lips were not cracked any more.
Totally heeled up over night. Because of the chemical injected, I still struggle with my lips cracking everyday but as long as I keep putting on my Honestly Margo, they are good. It’s on my desk and I literally put it on every 2 hours. “
(I call that picture a “shot of goodness” HA!)
Ok SERIOUSLY folks…. this came to me UNSOLICITED… I am NOT kidding you! And she wanted me to share it for Honestly Margo’s website testimonial and I said NO WAY! I need to share it in a BIGGER way. We must blast this as a blog post! Who would have THOUGHT, something so SIMPLE and yummy, and cute and sweet had the HEALING benefits that it has had on Sue? That Margo made such a difference in someone’s life? That her recipe she put together had those powerful healing qualities and the simplicity of it all… (one of Margo’s issues is how LONG the list of ingredients are on “natural” things!) All because of a lip balm??? Seriously?!?!
Well, Sue did not share any pictures with me, and I respect her wishes. It upsets her daily and understandably so. However, it makes me happy to hear that something is working to heal her lips and that SOMETHING was created by my daughter. {warm fuzzies inside!}
So let me just say this…
Who would’ve thought! Now I must say this… Margo can’t claim it’s healing because it’s only “moisturizing.” I know this for a fact…. You see, I heard Margo’s whole conversation on speakerphone as she called the FDA to learn about being FDA approved or not before getting started. Yeah… she had that conversation with a lady at the FDA {“um Hi, yeah I wanted to start a lip balm company and I just wanted to know what it took to be FDA approved and if I can do this without}. Crazy huh??? Basically, Honestly Margo cannot make any claims other than it being a moisturizing product UNLESS she became FDA approved. This, however, is simply great testimony!
Margo decided to keep things simple and not be FDA approved. But, the proof is in the pudding.
If you have dry, cracked, bleeding lips, it couldn’t hurt to give this a try. It certainly didn’t hurt Sue. It helped her…. tremendously.
Wow…what a great story and testimony to share….incredible…This is HUGE!!!! Honestly Margo is destined for great things..i can feel it….:) I so see this lip balm on a huge online shopping network….(wink, wink)……And Margo is a beautiful young girl ….with inner and outer beauty..such a great role model! Thanks for sharing such a great story and so wonderful that it is helping so many!!!!