Yesterday, I shared some skin care basics I think are a must in having good skin and getting a head start on anti-aging. Today is part 2, where I’m sharing the products I use.
I want to begin today by saying I don’t do lot’s of beauty posts on skin care for one specific reason: I haven’t changed my regimen in about 10 years. I’m SUPER picky on what I use as skin care and if I’m getting great results, I’m not about to change a thing! In fact, I always wonder how beauty bloggers try all this stuff because I’m a bit paranoid of having break outs testing all these things! (nothing against what they do! I LOVE what they do! I’m just too freaked to do it myself, and love what I’m using!)
When I turned 30, I began researching skin. Like serious stuff… I saw doctors that were on Oprah and rushed out to buy their books and read them in ONE DAY to see what vitamins to take, ingredients to look for, and pieced my regimen together that way. I had a deep desire to begin “anti-aging” ASAP! My goal was to NOT look 40 when I turned 40, and still is to NOT look 50 when I turn 50. I wanted to get a head start on that as soon as I could to begin the preventative work on my skin. I knew I couldn’t reverse what damage I had done, but I COULD be as proactive to be preventative.
So I came across Arbonne, a Swiss skincare line, made in the US, that had all the good ingredients that those doctors books had listed… things that worked both internally AND externally. What I loved about them was they were botanically based, but also had the most cutting edge science to be on the forefront of the best anti-aging and skin care.
So that’s what it’s been for the past 10 years or so. My entire regimen has been with Arbonne products, give or take a few that are listed below. And it’s not because I had an awesome business in it, because there were some products that weren’t my faves. But these WERE. And also, these ingredients were pure, safe, beneficial, meaning SO good for you… AND…. I’d like to think for the most part, I’ve had some pretty great results I think!
So what is my lineup of goods?
For the morning hours, this….
1. I wash with a MEN’s anti-aging wash. (Yes…you read right! It’s actually a facial scrub/wash and it’s TO DIE FOR!)
2. Anti-aging eye cream.
3. Rich hydrating overall yummy goodness healing cream that’s amazing for everything. (Like it’s recommended for burn victims and prego chics to rub on their bellies to prevent stretch marks… it’s THAT good!)
And at night, this….
1. A creamy anti-aging face wash to remove my makeup.
2. Anti-aging eye cream (same as the morning).
3. These nightly resurfacing pads that are full of botanicals and retinoid.
4. Anti-aging night cream.
That’s it. Nothing overly complicated.
I do wanna share that in addition to my skin care, I DO believe in taking a step further with regular facials, microdermabrasion treatments, and things that are above and beyond home treatment to give my skin the best that there is to keep it look as young as it can. Nothing costing thousands of dollars, and nothing involving lasers that put me in hiding for weeks either! Just your basic stuff….
So there you have it! Nothing complicated. Pretty simple. And my philosophy is if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Thus, I’ve stuck with what I’ve been using for so long because I’ve been happy with the results.
If you’re wanting to use what I use, you can order it HERE. (It’s not sold in stores, only online through consultants.)
You have beautiful skin. Keep doing what you’re doing!
Thank you Amanda!! xoxo