First order of business this Friday morning, the WINNER!!! Thank you to EVERYONE who took the time to enter the drawing for the wonderful J.Crew bracelet! I promise… I have some FUN things in store for you in the NEAR future just cuz I’m feeling the love and tis the season for giving, right? So… keep plugged in to me! It’ll be worth it! 😉
So my recent giveaway for this….
The winner is
Rachel M!!! via Random Number Generator (we’ll connect!!)
Now for a bit of randomness…
1. One of my favorite new words… POSSE. Used in a sentence, “I’m taking Margo and her posse to gymnastics.” “Me and my JOC posse are gonna have an amazing day.” Posse. Use it. See how you feel! Share on FB or Twitter POSSE in a sentence.. Let’s start a trend! HA!
2. I know it’s fall/winter, but I still wear a nude lip. Is that bad? Check it out here if you’ve missed it….
3. Christmas can make me very weepy… just saying…. especially with the thought of Polar Express and Josh Groban’s song Believe. I don’t want my kids to grow up. Ever. Ever. I want them to say the way they are. Forever. And NO I don’t want anymore kids. That is not going to fix these hormonal issues. All that coupled with the fact that my parents are aging and we’ve had scary health circumstances. Weeeeeppy. Already was weepy at Thanksgiving. Privately. Just sayin.
4. I find myself wanting to take random pictures of strangers, so beware. I’m VERY tempted to do some posts on “You DON’T wanna look like THIS!” Would you be appalled if I did that? Or would that be pretty hysterical?
5. I’ve been DREAMING for several years for shoes like this, and FINALLY a much much loved store has come out with them…
because until now, every website or catalog I found them in had things I would purchase if I were paid by the hour or by the job if ya know what I mean. So I refrained from the purchase because those aren’t the jobs I work! HA! Now, I own them, since I found them at TARGET!!! {{{{angels singing}}}}. But NOW that I OWN them, I am afraid I look like I’m wearing HI-TOPS from back in the day when everyone had their TRAPPER KEEPER! ….. Note about me… I like to be different and a little daring, but not where I stand out because I look ridiculous. Please comment below… THUMBS UP OR THUMBS DOWN? And… if you want to add what would I wear them with, feel free to do so! — Notice their PRETTTTTTY SHINNNNNEY COLOR….. GOLD! 🙂
6. I got 2 things that are SUPER fun for my phone… are you ready?
So I donno what possessed me to get a skin for my phone because I’ve always been a bling phone case kinda gal. I thought, how FUN to get one with my blog on it. So I DID!
And…. I got a little jewelry for it to… do ya like it?
7. I keep carrying around my phone with my new SKIN and BLING GOLF BALL (as I call it) walking around the house saying “CHELLLLO!” and my family is doing MAJOR eyeball rolls at me. Do you remember JJ from Good Times (that dates me!)? Like he would say CHELLO! like a french/british man. Like that. I’m SUCH a dork!
8. I love saying JUST SAYIN. So I’ll say it a lot. I hope that doesn’t bug you much… just sayin!
9. I recently learned a new word. SELFIE. Have you heard it? If you have, you have a teenager OR you’re under 30. I’m 30 +10 so I was like WHAAAAAT??? But, I take em ALL the time, and now love using the word SELFIE. So, “did you see the SELFIE I took above with my new phone bling? Just sayin? Me and my posse of me?” In fact, I had a SELFIE photoshoot with Angel and picked the best to share with you…
Finally… some last thoughts before we begin this whirlwind of a month starting TOMORROW….
Tis the season for giving…. giving love. Giving joy. Giving to those less fortunate. Giving a smile. Giving a hug. Giving a listening ear. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in STUFF, when that’s not what life and happiness is all about. Remember that as you move forward thru the coming days. Just sayin. I love stuff too. Pretty stuff. (I didn’t say expensive, I said pretty!). Life isn’t about STUFF. Life is about family and good friends. Life is about loving those around you. It’s about being thankful for our health. Remember these simple things as we’re bombarded with all the sales, shopping, hustle and bustle, and STUFF around us. I’m just as guilty in all of this, and I’m going to be sharing STUFF with you. But it’s kind of a, “let’s step back and think for a moment” moment. Because it’s true. Without our health and our loved ones close to us in our lives, what’s it all about anyways? It’s meaningless. So just remember what REALLY matters this holiday season as we go thru all the STUFF around us.
Sending you all MUCH love before the weekend begins. Tomorrow is December 1st :). Let the CRAZINESS begin!!!!!!
Love the iPhone case! Good one!