Yesterday I talked about velvet bags for this season. And I told you today I’d be sharing what’s INSIDE my bag. You guys see what’s on the outside and what I carry around with me, so I thought I’d show you what’s on the INSIDE. What exactly is in my bag? These are the basics, the staples.
First, I’m making it a point to not carry bags TOO big. I’m not very tall, so carrying a huge oversized bag isn’t my favorite thing unless I’m traveling. So for that reason, I try to keep my things to a bare minimum. Makes sense?
- First up, my wallet.
As for my bags themselves, the brown suede one I got last year and the Gucci was a special #treatyoself kind of a thing I did for the hard work I put in this summer. These will probably be my two most carried bags this upcoming season unless I pull any others out. I am a collector with my bags. I love to collect them. We each have our guilty pleasures. I guess bags is mine!

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