I had a recent request to share some ab workouts I like. Ask and you shall receive. (wink!) Let me preface this by saying, I'm not in the BEST ab condition now, but there was a time that I was (big grin!), and I will say it did come post childbirth. So it IS possible. And I'm currently trying to shed a few pounds and I've been successful thus far. So now toning is what we need to focus on, in addition to maybe losing a few more pounds. … [Read more...]
Accountability Partner
I have a confession to make. Years ago I was pretty fit, probably the most fit I ever have been in my life. I never was an athletic girl growing up because I didn't like getting all sweaty and messing my hair up. HA! Imagine that right? Well, as I grew older, being physically fit became a huge priority to me. I loved the way it made me look and feel. Naturally, who doesn't want to look their best, right? Well, as the years have passed, … [Read more...]
Perfect Legs and Butt
You read that right. Who doesn't want beautiful legs and a beautiful tush? Right now, my right knee is sounding like a bowl of rice crispies... Snap, crackle, POP! Ugh.. it's totally discusting. If you capped your hand over my knee, you'd think that my knee cap is all crumbled up into tiny pieces and it's all just kinda FLOATING in there. What's up with that??? Well, I believe it is due to years of lunges. Lots of em. Like laps around my … [Read more...]