Do you work? As in not necessarily a job, but even if you don't work, have a space where you sit to focus and get your stuff done? Productivity space. Maybe that's how I should phrase it... Some of us have an office job where we have no choice in our space, and some do, and if you don't work, then we can use it as a "productivity space". Whatever the case, I'm talkin about space that you need to get your s**t done, either for your job, your … [Read more...]
My Five Fave Apps to GSD
My five favorite apps to get s**t done. Because we allllllll so bussssssssy that we need things like this to help our productivity and make our lives a bit easier. Don't you agree? If you can get your s**t done more efficiently, both for yourself along with people you work with, life would be grand and we'd have a lot less stress. A bit of On Purpose there. And, I think having a smartphone is pretty much the norm now which means we have a … [Read more...]