Last week I talked about a simple trick to giving my hair some incredible volume and beachy waves with one simple thing. You can read more about it HERE. This week I celebrate another year gone by, and just a few years ago, I noticed something significant. My hair was beginning to thin a bit at the top. I was BESIDE myself! HAIR THINNING??? SHUT UP! That can't happen! I'm too young, I feel too young, I can't begin to age like that YET? … [Read more...]
Best Hair Ever
I'm a beauty gal. Always have been. Always will be. So anything to look as good as I can (almost anything!), I'll try it. And that includes keeping our hair as glorious as we can keep it. Right ladies? (men... this also means you, even though some of you might be too proud to discuss this whole hair thing). You all know I've been on this mission to keep my hair healthy and thick as long as I can. I recently shared some UH MAAAAZING … [Read more...]
Hair Skin Nails, younique and Fabulous Lashes
I recently shared a supplement I'm OBSESSED with for my hair that I noticed (NO DON'T SAY IT!!!!!).... might be thinning (GASP!). You can check that out HERE. Well... a little follow up with some added PLUS that I'm noticing with these vitamins.... My EYELASHES. Now.... ladies.... I think we can all agree that having some beautiful long lashes is always a nice thing. I mean, come on, don't we bat them at our man when we want … [Read more...]
Fabulous Hair Skin Nails
You guys know I only talk about things that I LOVE and things that I've TRIED and used and prepared and made. All opinions are genuinely my own. And I am VERY transparent and tell you like it is. And today I'm going to get personal. And it has to do with my vanity. It was one of those SAY IT ISN'T SO things. I began to notice maybe earlier this year something that I NEVER thought would happen. Like EVER. I noticed my hair beginning to … [Read more...]