First things first... giveaway ends TODAY. A $500 gift card. Your choice of Target, Amazon or Nordstrom. There will be 3 winners, and you have nothing to lose. Enter here! Three Winners Christmas Giveaway Now, onto the main order of business. It's 5 o'clock somewhere, right? For those of my new friends on The OP Life, every Friday we celebrate with cocktails. I call it Fuzzy Friday. We celebrate all of our wins, the … [Read more...]
Fuzzy Friday: The Irish Relaxer
Spring is full of rainy days and lots of those days are kinda chilly, and this week was one of those weeks. One of these chilly rainy afternoons, I decided to make myself a cup of coffee because it just sounded good... note that I'm not a regular coffee drinker. And I didn't want it because I needed that burst of caffeine... I wanted it for that warm-me-up-fuzzy-feeling inside. So I made my coffee... then I was like hmmmm... lets throw in … [Read more...]