Happy Monday Morning! Mondays always seem to be a day that we push the reset button for getting things started, and I've always enjoyed chatting about healthy matters on Mondays since we seem to have the most sense of focus on that topic on that day of the week, so here I am again. Kinda a "from the archives" post here, because I've talked about it before, but just wanted to mention it again with fresh words. It's super simple and easy. I … [Read more...]
A Super Balance
Superbowl Sunday. Seriously, I think there are MORE people at the grocery store and preparing for this FEAST day then maybe Thanksgiving? Christmas? What do you think? I mean for REAL, it is like an official holiday when it comes to food and entertaining and parties. The SUPERBOWL is like a SUPER "BOWL" of you name it..... what ever comfort food, snack food, junk, all goooooood stuff you can think on. And libations, of course! Here is … [Read more...]
90/10 Rule
Happy healthy Monday friends! Did we survive the Thanksgiving pig-out family feast? Did anyone have to roll you out? I hope not!!! But, if that WAS the case, that's ok!!! Because I have a secret to share with you... Another one of my favorite tips on weight loss and maintaining goal weight. 90/10 What is 90/10? This is something I've figured out on my own and by observing others who are skinny biatches at a healthy goal weight. A … [Read more...]