In the news recently, the French Parliament has moved to ban beauty pageants for children under 16. It must now be passed by the National Assembly in November before becoming law. Of course this is in France, not the US. But still, it’s quite a hot topic globally.
The Washington Post did a write up on this subject and wanted to know what one young entrepreneur felt about pageants herself.
Margo, a 12 year old entrepreneur who started a company of her own, Honestly Margo, gave some thoughts as to pageants vs entrepreneurism.
She’s a 12 year old who loves to be social, loves her friends, but also is SUPER hard on herself to get the highest grades she can in school as well as being the best athlete she can be. I’d call her a very well rounded little lady.
What does this young business woman think about it all?
Take a look at the article HERE that featured Honestly Margo’s thoughts on this subject as well as a background to this hot topic. What do you think? Feel free to comment both here and there on The Washington Post, too. I know they’d SO appreciate your thoughts!
Congrats for the mention! And I couldn’t agree more, child pageants are beyond depressing 🙁