Do you drink your water? Your daily recommended amount of 6 – 8 glasses per day? I chatted a bit about the benefits of drinking your water here, so you can check that out if you want. But not everyone has a Sonic by them to order those Route 44 ice waters with lemons and limes. So then, how bout making your own water cocktail drink, making pretty, making it tasty, making it good for you? All with one trick. You ready?
Have you ever thought about trying your own fruit infused water? I started making it because I host luncheons and events in my home and it seemed just waaaaaaay easier than bringing out all these little bottles of water. I have usually just made it with lemons and oranges because thats usually what I have on hand. It’s easy to set out vs, plus it looks pretty, it stays cooler when it’s full of ice, too. But, how bout just throwing in ALL KINDS of fruits! Who would’ve thought? Right? Today I threw in some handfuls of frozen strawberries. YUMMMMMO! Dear son LOVED it! Which means a GREAT alternative to fruit juices filled with sugars and artificial junk. And to keep it cold, if your little drink dispenser fits (they have inexpensive ones EVERYWHERE I promise!) in your fridge, it will look something like this……
I love it because it keeps me FULL. If I’m drinking water, I will want to eat less…. a major accomplishment for me! I love food, I’m Greek, remember??? Plus, if it’s infused with all kinds of fruits, you get some of those vitamins seeping into your H2O without you realizing it! Pretty great, right? Yesterday I did pears. I think we have the idea of certain specific fruits to use, but go ahead. Get WILD!!!! Try any kinds of fruits you want and see what it tastes like. It’s all up to you and your likings. But whatever you choose, the benefit is that it will likely go down easier than just plain ole water….. which means you’ll drink MORE of it…. which means health benefits…. which means eating less….. which means being OP on the whole diet thing. YAY! You get my drift?
So empty out your fruit bin in a big ole jug thingy, fill er up with water, and drink away!
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