Why do we need a mudroom? I had NO idea a mudroom would be something SO great, but when I’m thinking of all the possibilities? Let’s just call it a “multi-purpose room” shall we? Holy SMOKES! Of course men don’t get it like we do, right? So let’s get a few things straight…. I wasn’t in sports to know about balls, shin guards, cleats, PE bags, and in case you didnt know, it was just me, no other kids. So YES, this room is a need to keep all the kids s**t out of EVERY where else in the house. But, it can have SOOOOOOO many more things for moi….. like my wrapping paper, like shopping bags, like extra gifts I buy, like candles, like an extra refrigerator, like…. hmmmm…. an extra desk, how bout a TV…. and maybe some soft cushy chairs? Oh…. and like an extra work table?
Oh SANTA! Can I make a few requests early??? Momma wants a fancy mudroom for her kids backpacks!
So…. here are some things that have gotten my wheels a SPINNIN!
I want a mudroom like kids want Santa at Christmas…soooooo badly!!!!
Me too! LOL!! Isn’t that crazy that as we get older the more PRACTICAL things, (however they must be adorned in lovelies) are the things that excite us the most?