First, a Christmas morning gift to one lucky reader…. but I must say, I appreciate ALL who entered and your super thought-fully written out words to me and your comments. I SO enjoy writing and sharing all I do with you, and your feedback is meaningful to me.
So for that, Dora, (#4 via you get this from me….
Look for an email from me!
And finally, some holiday wishes to all of you.
2013 has been a year full of blessings for me and my family.
And I feel that this is a special time in all of our lives… holidays to me mean family, being together with our loved ones, and now more than ever in today’s SO technical world, we lose lots of that. So I will unplug from here till after the new year. BUT… not to fret… You can find me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Those are easier for me to be on and still be present with my family. I need to take this time for that, AND to gear up for 2014.
Loves to all of you!
Wishing you and your beautiful family a very merry Christmas and a happy & prosperous New Year!