I don’t know what it is about Florentine pieces, but I have always been attracted to them. Is it the GOLD that I love (I LOVE gold)? Is it their imperfections through age? Is it their timelessness? I don’t know. But all I know is that I love Florentine. From large pieces like this great mirror below with its side table, to the cute little boxes and trays.
Oh how I wished I had pictures of all the wonderful large pieces I have seen throughout the years in my antique-ing… how fun those pics would have been to have shared with you! The more unique the piece, the more I want it!
I did snap a shot of this Greek key side table not long ago….
I’ll show you some sprinkles I’ve put throughout my house….I’m obsessed with florentine and sprinkling it into everything. I didn’t show you all everything… every bathroom in the house has a florentine trashcan, and I must have at least 2 tissue boxes per family member that are florentine! Insanity!
This little guy is on a shabby table in a bathroom.
Florentine magazine holder in a gold powder bath. … are you seeing a theme? Angel wanted a part of the action!
A secretary that I have grouped lots of florentine to showcase it.
My family room, again I have more groupings of florentine on these shelves. Lawd these foreverrrrrrr long shelves! Decorating them can be a challenge because they are SO long! Ideas? Anyone? Always open to ideas! Send below in some comments ;)!
Finally my living room. I wanted to show you that even though I love the look of the old florentine, I’ve mixed it with a some more traditional and contemporary pieces. Mixing it up is fun! If you look, you’ll see the I sprinkled the magazine stand beside the cream leather circle sofa.
There are countless more little boxes all over the house sprinkled in my closet, on nightstands, nesting tables, even one of my daughter’s nightstands is a table with a drawer. I mix these very classic pieces into some traditional/contemporary looks. Just a sprinkle here and there is SO fun, I feel like I’m dusting a bit of gold glitter throughout my home!
[…] wallpaper that I bought and redid my living room and dining room in. You can see it here and here. (I made that wild hair purchase during an ice storm when we were stuck inside for 3 days with […]