I’ve recently had multiple people comment on my skin and how good it looks.
People have told me in person and have mentioned to me about recent pics on my Instagram as I’ve been sharing a few “nude lip cocktails…”
(by the way, those are taken with a phone camera, no filter, no editing… I’m not a photoshop buff by ANY means, just so ya know!)
For the record, I’m a HUGE beauty whore…. I EAT UP beauty stuff, however, when it comes to my skin, I take it UBER seriously. Like, DON’T mess with my skin! That’s some SERIOUS stuff there. Why do I take it so seriously? Well, it’s the FIRST thing people see when they come in contact with us… Talk about putting your best face forward, THAT’S what I mean.
So here are a few things that are my like “rules I live by” when it comes to my skin….
Our skin totally reflects our lives, our age, how we live… case in point… you’ll see I have a few HUGE wrinkles beside my mouth… My kids have pointed those out to me. You know what I say to them? Those are my SMILE lines… I’ve done LOT’S of smiling in my life and I have no plans on changing anything about it! {HUGE GRIN.. making MORE lines! LOL!}
So the first step in having good skin is making note of my list above.
Do you guys do those things already? I’m afraid to ask who goes to bed with their make up on! LOL! BIG no-no!
Tomorrow, I’ll reveal exactly WHAT I use on my skin.
If you don’t have a consultant, you can shop these treats for your skin HERE.
[…] Yesterday, I shared some skin care basics I think are a must in having good skin and getting a head start on anti-aging. Today is part 2, where I’m sharing the products I use. […]