Can someone say BREATHE?
Day starts with prep for Joy of Connecting women’s luncheon which I host each month….
Realizing my 3rd child, Angel, is missing. ( HEART SINKS! )
TRYING so hard to be the hostess with the mostess and trying to keep my cool….
(my spanakopita in the oven)
So finally after my guests depart, kids come home from school devasted, we find Angel hiding in one of my son’s armoire drawers, with the door CLOSED, just chillin out, not a peep out of her. Totally content. All day, hadn’t eaten, hadn’t pooped or peed. Just happy as a clam! We’re yelling to her, calling out her favorite treat “FANCY FEAST”, NOTHING! Seriously Angel????? Were you TRYING to give us a heart attack??? So… What does mama need? A little STRESS RELIEF! Perfect timing for a girls night out! Thank you MJ for having your birthday! It was just what the doctor ordered!
Nothing that a few cocktails and the company of some amazing friends can’t fix. I think they saved the day! Wish I could tell you all that we talked about…. but, we want this to be a family friendly blog, right? LOVE me some girl time!
Of course… we can’t forget those homemade donut holes, right? …. all zero points, of course!
Isn’t it funny how everything happens at the right place at the right time for a reason? My girls, I just LOVE you!
I have a group of girls that I don’t know what I would do without them. I think they are the only people I can really be my true self in front of. Thank god!
I’m glad you found Angel…I have been wondering.