My daughter requested I make spinach balls not too long ago to go along with dinner. I felt like those were more hors d'oeuvres, and in pulling several recipes together, I created my own, and instead created these patties. I felt like they were more "side dish" type of an item to serve with chicken, fish, beef, anything. And the extras made a great little snack! Spinach Patties 2 bags frozen spinach 2 large egg 1 stick … [Read more...]
GNO Mac N Cheese
On a recent girls night out, some of us shared some family traditions. One of the gals shared a SUPER easy and REALLY delish mac-n-cheese that I couldnt help but test for myself, and then of course SHARE with you! She and her family would buy all kinds of fabulous cheeses for "picnic night in" and for guests as well. Whenever they had leftovers, they grated the cheeses, threw em all together, and whipped up this pan of comfort food. Jackie's … [Read more...]
My Simple Sweet Potato Fries
I LOVE LOVE sweet potato fries, and it makes me happy to know that they are also a healthier alternative than regular french fries made from regular potatoes (so that means I can eat more, right?? HA! I wish!). So I make these as a great side dish for our family dinners and they are super duper easy. All you need, is your sweet potatoes. Peel them and slice them pretty thin (not TOO thin, but not too thick either). Then I toss them in a … [Read more...]