Isn't it frustrating when you know what you want to do, or even should do, but you can’t get yourself to do it? Almost as if it's a drag, you dread it, it's one of those things that you say to yourself, "UGH... I have to do _____." Working out on a regular basis is something we all know that we should do, but creating a habit of it can be challenging. Think about the things you do as a habit on a daily basis that aren't even … [Read more...]
Fit Not Flabby: Ab Workout At Home
I had a recent request to share some ab workouts I like. Ask and you shall receive. (wink!) Let me preface this by saying, I'm not in the BEST ab condition now, but there was a time that I was (big grin!), and I will say it did come post childbirth. So it IS possible. And I'm currently trying to shed a few pounds and I've been successful thus far. So now toning is what we need to focus on, in addition to maybe losing a few more pounds. … [Read more...]
Detox Bath: Recovery From The Weekend
I love the weekends, but one of the things I'm not crazy about is some of my binging I might find myself doing. Allowing myself free days to be free of focus on diet goals is always nice, but not so nice when I do them consecutively! HA! Then I feel like I'm going one step forwards and two steps back. I say this only because this is something being vertically challenged I find will always be an issue in my life. If I let myself go and not … [Read more...]
A Bit of Fit: My Fitbit
Most everyone who knows me knows that I try to make OP decisions on food and drink to be as healthy and lean as I can. And, I'm also getting my tush back into the gym as much as I can on a regular basis (when I'm not playing nurse to my kiddos!). Well, Santa Claus seemed to catch wind of this, so he brought me a Fitbit for Christmas. I had heard of them and seen tons of devices out there that are worn to monitor activity, steps, etc, but I … [Read more...]
Accountability Partner
I have a confession to make. Years ago I was pretty fit, probably the most fit I ever have been in my life. I never was an athletic girl growing up because I didn't like getting all sweaty and messing my hair up. HA! Imagine that right? Well, as I grew older, being physically fit became a huge priority to me. I loved the way it made me look and feel. Naturally, who doesn't want to look their best, right? Well, as the years have passed, … [Read more...]