I couldn't go today without acknowledging it. It's national handbag day. Yes, we can all agree there's now a day for EVERYTHING, and some ridiculous things. But this is not a ridiculous one. Hail to the handbag, yes I said that. Why do I love them so much? I really can't answer that other than I've loved bags and looking pretty from a young age. Bags I think are an accessory that can be as powerful as our outfit, can define how we … [Read more...]
The Perfect Tote Bag
If there is one thing that's my thing, it's bags. I'm a bag lady. And do I ever need another bag? Of course not! But if I see one that is different than what I have and the price is right, I might have to break down and add to my collection. Such was the case with this Kate Falchi tote. I've been working with Balliet's recently on a project and I'm beyond delighted that they asked me to work with them because I "rediscovered" this … [Read more...]