There is something to be said about SEEING what it is you are reaching towards. Goal setting. For anything you’re trying to achieve or become, having a visual reminder of what that is in front of you all the time will greatly help you get there. And I need a visual NOW! Case in point, weight loss. It seems I feel like I yo-yo the past several winters, and this one being no different. Am I packing on a built in winter coat??? I have no idea, but one thing I know, I need to SHED it and shed it FAST!
So you guys know then that I’m really trying hard to look my best I can for our upcoming swimsuit season. There was a point several years ago when I was SO dialed in, worked out all the time, even had a personal trainer (not a requirement to do this, mind you!) , and had laser beam focus on my food choices. So much so that I remember my daughter saying, “yeah… mom doesn’t eat pizza.” Now, I’m thinking that probably wasn’t the BEST example, but trust me, she has seen me eat my share of pizza now!
So what to do? I decided to print out a pic of myself when I looked “good” and put up in my kitchen as a reminder of what I’m striving for.
Here’s a pic I’m sharing with you…. not the same one of me I put up on my fridge, but you get the drift. I will say, side note, some pros to being this weight, some cons. The biggest con, I lose all my “female endowedness”. I don’t necessarily want to be as thin as that, but the goal is there let’s just say. That was also 8 years ago mind you. I’ve aged since then {{my justy!}}
I used to be a Weight Watchers leader long ago, and boy it does feel like a lifetime ago. But this was something I always taught my members. Have some kind of reminder out where you can see what it is you are trying to achieve. It doesn’t have to be a picture of yourself, especially if it doesn’t exist. But having SOMETHING as a reminder will always keep you focused. If it’s a picture of what you want to physically achieve, all the better. In my case, that is what I’m going for.
I had this scheduled as my post for today, and it tickled me pink when one of my dear friends posted an older pic of herself on FB as a reminder for her. {{great minds think alike I always say!}} It’s about keeping our vision in FRONT of us. We are moving toward what we consistently see. So if I can see myself fit and in physical shape that I’m happy with, hopefully it will be a reminder of what I’m trying to achieve. And it will have an effect on the choices I make in food, drink and exercise.
Add to that, I turned on the tv this morning and coincidentally, I hear Joel Osteen preaching a great thing. He said, if you see it, you’re moving towards it. If you can’t see your vision, you’re not moving towards it. Keep your vision in front of you. And that’s what I’m doing.
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