Most of us think of spring as a time of renewal. Flowers are blooming, the grass turns green, we begin to think about summer vacation. But I LOVE fall. And today is the first day of fall. It’s a time of coziness for me. Time for jeans and boots and sweaters and football and just good times. So even though the leaves are falling and the weather is cooler (almost, depending on where you are!), autumn can be a time of reflection, fun, discovery, and renewal just as well. It’s just all how we look at it. You can renew yourself for fall.
Here are some things you can to do make fall a season of renewal for you.
- Schedule more “me time.” What’s more personally fulfilling than engaging in the interests you adore? Whether it’s watching movies you’ve been wanting to see, finding new books to read, or indulging in bubble baths, carving out more time just for you will soothe the soul.
- Spend a weekend away with your partner. Taking a fall trip together will give you time to reinvigorate and rekindle your feelings. Fall can be romantic time to get away, even for a drive to a small town nearby. If you can’t get away out of town, who says it can’t be in your own city and just book a night at a great hotel?
- Devote time to self-improvement. Maybe you feel you’re ready to quit smoking, go on a chocolate-free diet, or exercise more. Taking steps to get healthier might help you fulfill a dream. Some would say you’ll have more patience to confront challenges when the weather is cooler. And sometimes those self-improvements are a big challenge. Now’s the time—go for it.
- Clean out the closets. Living in a cluttered home clutters your mind, as well, and might even cause you some emotional stress. Reexamining what you have and what you want to get rid of is the perfect thing to do as the seasons change. Cleaning your closets can bring a renewed sense of freedom and feelings of starting fresh.
- Spend a day with a parent. Yes, life gets busy. But let me tell you firsthand. For those of you who still have those humans in your life… SPEND TIME WITH THEM. Don’t have regrets. I still have mine, but I dread the day that they will no longer be on this earth with me. Out of no where my dad was diagnosed with colon cancer almost a year ago. Talk about wake-up call. We can’t take them for granted. Just hang out, talk, and eat a meal with Mom or Dad. Schedule it now to experience those feelings of closeness again and never have regrets. We need to appreciate them while we have them.
- Enjoy more quality time with your kids. Does it seem like you’re always rushing your kids to school, sports, extra activities, and finally, home to do homework? Even with all their activities, it’s still important to spend quality time together to build and maintain a bond. When you’re with them, do things with them. Ask them questions. Play games, as silly as it sounds. See movies together. Tell them about your experiences as a child.
- Plan proactively for the coming holiday season. In past years, you might have waited until the last minute to make holiday preparations, resulting in some pretty high-stress holidays. Begin your holiday cards NOW (not like I did last year and actually ended up not doing any holiday cards). Start any holiday shopping NOW. (Here are 2 ideas for stocking stuffers and teachers… HERE and HERE). Even begin meal-planning if you know you’re going to be hosting any holiday events.
- Complete a course or class you’ve wanted to take. If you’ve been hoping to take a class for a hobby, like oil painting or even that small business course at the community college, you’ll feel so proud and accomplished when you finally take the plunge and do it this fall.
Viewing the change of season as a time to refresh zest for life will keep you achieving and feeling positive in all areas in your life. Taking care of YOU is the best thing you can ever do to live On Purpose.
I love these ideas!!
I’m so glad to hear! Yay!