Hi there! I’m Irene Gianos, and I’m the founding editor of The OP Life, the Oklahoma City based blog centered around living a lifestyle On Purpose. Welcome to my site! I get asked all the time “What is OP? On Purpose?” I show people the lifestyle they create for themselves can help them create a life of authenticity, true inner happiness, and ultimate fulfillment, which is living an On Purpose life.
Being On Purpose is about all that we do in our daily lives, from the way we dress, to the way we live, living in a way that gives us joy and makes us feel good from the inside out, that helps us find true happiness. Ultimately, in life, if we are On Purpose in pursuing our passions and the things we love on a day to day basis, then we will live a life of joy and authenticity.
I’m a wife, mom and business owner. I love to express myself. I have a big fat Greek life and love my heritage. I believe in The Golden Rule. I believe a smile can make a person’s day. I believe that true beauty comes from within. I love to help others in all aspects of their lives and love when I know I’ve made a difference from what I’ve shared. I believe in being real. I strive to be healthy and encourage others to do the same. I believe I’m a work in progress, always learning and growing from life’s experiences.
Are you ON PURPOSE with your passions? Your interests? Your day to day life? Your goals for yourself? Personally? Professionally? In your home? The way you dress? As a parent? Overall in the way you live?
I invite you to take a look around The OP Life. My hope is that you’re inspired in some way and have learned something new. Indulge in all my whimseys, feel my passions, express yours, live beautifully, and be inspired to live an On Purpose Life.
In addition to The OP Life and various other sites and publications I write for and am a contributor of, you can also see my work with my daughter, as I’m her “momager”. Take a look at Honestly Margo. I hope you’re inspired!
Some of the products listed on The OP Life are provided for editorial consideration and some are associated with affiliate programs. Everything featured on The OP Life is a reflection of my personal taste and aesthetic and are of genuine interest to me. Thank you for supporting those links and those businesses that I help promote that keep us all in business!