Superbowl Sunday. Seriously, I think there are MORE people at the grocery store and preparing for this FEAST day then maybe Thanksgiving? Christmas? What do you think? I mean for REAL, it is like an official holiday when it comes to food and entertaining and parties. The SUPERBOWL is like a SUPER “BOWL” of you name it….. what ever comfort food, snack food, junk, all goooooood stuff you can think on. And libations, of course! Here is what Super BOWL looked like at our big fat Greek get together we gathered at.
This was before about 10 other dishes made it to the island… no kidding! And it was a SWARM to get in there, so needless to say, it’s an INCOMPLETE picture of all the GOODNESS that everyone brought. Christie and Scot, your annual Super BOWL is a FEAST like no other! So now that we feel like we have to ROLL ourselves out, what do we do?
It’s a balancing act… this food/diet thing. A love hate relationship we have, right? Remember my 90/10 rule I talked about? In case you missed it, check it out HERE. But here is a perfect example. We splurged and overindulged. Like REALLY splurged. ….. well maybe not everyone, but if you did, I’m talking to you {{{wink}}}. So what do we do now? Get back up on our horse and get back with the program. Whatever program you’re doing to keep healthy, lose weight, whatever. Because seriously, if we at like we do on Super BOWL Sunday EVERYDAY? Lord, that wouldn’t be a pretty sight!
Time to regain our focus. Who is in?
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