What’s your word of the year?
Have you ever had one? I’ve seen several posts on Facebook of people’s word of the year and I thought to myself, what’s my underlying theme for myself this year? What I want to be? Do? Accomplish? Live my life by? I’ve never done this before so I thought I’d do it this year. And I want to encourage you to as well.
Why have a word of the year? We can SPEAK things into existence, speak LIFE into what we do and how we live. If our word that we have as our personal “mantra” if you will, has the power to influence us, why not have a word, and choose one that helps raise us up to a place and space we want to be, to become, to a place in your life that you want to be?
So what is my word for the year I’ve chosen?
How did I come up with that? It came to me really in all sorts of ways.
First, it’s been an underlying theme in my personal life. As my kids grow, I want to EMPOWER them, not ENABLE them, so that when they’re ready to spread their wings, they can fly, without my help. It makes me sad but at the same time gives me joy to think of them being strong, independent confident little humans I created. It’s a conversation that’s discussed quite a bit in my home, I have to admit, as I’m the enforcer of the rules (the general!) and The Mister is, well… a softie! If we’re always helping our kids do things and helping them get their things done and making decisions for them, how will they have the strength to do it all on their own when they grow up? Will they be turning to us or others for answers?
Second, I’ve gained more clarity in the work I’m doing. How so? I’m sharing inspiration to all of you and others on living On Purpose, to live authentically, to find their passions, to have joy and happiness, have confidence and belief in themselves, and all of that together… leads to me empowering all of you. I’m empowering YOU to be your best you. I want to help give you tools, resources and inspiration to be a badass, so that YOU know that YOU can be and do anything you desire. Because you CAN. I’m tired of women not supporting each other, always competing and comparing. I’m tired of grown women acting like clique high school girls, and not lifting each other up and celebrating other people’s successes. Forget all that nonsense. You’re SO better than that! I want to empower YOU to know that everything you have is inside you. I’m just that partner to help get you there and be with you on your journey.
And truly, our journey of growth never ends.
Finally, I’m really empowering myself, by stretching myself doing things I never thought I’d do and things that make me step out of my own comfort zone. It’s a good thing! I KNOW I can do anything, just like I preach to all of you. That’s why I’m empowering myself to be more, do more, for what is best in my heart, with my goals I’ve set for myself.
So there you have it.
Do you have an underlying theme for yourself for the coming year? If you don’t, it’s ok! It’s not something I think everyone MUST have by any means… But sometimes, some thing or some theme is underlying in our lives. If that’s the case, make it YOURS for the year. Live by it. Let it be an action word, a word that’s forward moving vs backward moving, that’s positive vs negative.
So there. Empower.
Have you joined my private empowerment Lounge? The OP Lounge? You need to if you haven’t yet! Lot’s of these kind of vibes going on in there!
If you haven’t decided to take me up on my free 14 day challenge, it’s NEVER too late for that!
In the comments below, share with me your word of the year! I want to know what is your underlying theme of what you want YOUR year to be filled with.
Emily says
That’s an amazing word! I’m going with “confidence.” I want to have confidence to let go of people anD things that don’t Add value to my life. I want to have confidence to not seek approval from others when i pursue my passions and interests. Here’s to a great year!!! xx
Emily | happilylindsey.com
Irene Gianos says
I love your word Lindsey!!! Confidence is one of my FAVORITES! If you have confidence, you can do ANYTHING! YGG! You GO GIRL! Cheers to a great year for both of us! xoxo